Retromine is a mining deckbuilder. Delve into the mines, where you can play cards to mine resources and score points, and escape before the caves collapse. When you reach the surface, spend resources you gathered in the caves to buy new cards, upgrade your deck, and create powerful card combos.

Expedition Controls

Left click - Play cards & interact

Right click & Escape - Deselect & back

E - End turn

D - View deck

A - View draw pile

S - View discard pile

Shop Controls

D - View deck

G - Start next expedition

R - Reroll

Updated 47 minutes ago
PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(23 total ratings)
GenreCard Game, Strategy
Made withGodot
TagsArcade, Deck Building, High Score, Incremental, Pixel Art, Retro, Roguelike, Roguelite, Singleplayer


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I like the game, but it would be nice if there was an endless mode

(1 edit)

I didn't like the fact that I must play exactly as intended, otherwise would die. Every time I play a room I can just die no matter the tactic. The only thing that matters is my card loadout, that is filled randomly. I would really like for the cards to shuffle in a way, so that there will always be a way to clear the room, and the only thing that will be punished is my choice of what resource/action I have picked(activated, not bought).

Also, just a nitpick, but could you change the yellow resource to something else or explain its value? Because now it looks like the character is so greedy, they can't get out of the collapsing cave because they still want some gold.

Other than that, the game is really good. I was flown away with the addictiveness of this gameplay(but unfair punishments pulled me out)

Amazing game so far! I can't wait for updates!

I love how its actually hard to win

Very good game, that has a lot of space for further improvement. Solid foundation! Please keep the mac builds coming =)

(2 edits)

really like this game. Super clean interface, easy-to-understand rule set that unfolds into a fairly deep decision tree. I <3 the graphics and graphic design! I could see myself playing this on steamdeck for exteded play sessions or on my phone while waiting for a train or something. (I think it could use a hyper-geometric probabilities analysis? ) Not sure if the intent is to force me to lose on some runs. In any case, I don’t believe there is a fundamental flaw in the design or anything like that. I think we just need to fine tune the distribution curve a bit to push the player in an intentional direction – at least in the beginning. I don’t know though. I find it quite enjoyable as is. (awesome cantrips btw!!)

Oh, this has potential to be very addicting

It looks really good and the UX for hovering, and clicking is exceptional. The appearance is very clean and professional. Although the tutorial page was helpful, it was a lot at once, so a little overwhelming and I had to interpret text and imagine gameplay rather than relevant text apparent during gameplay.

It would really help if you added specific, concise player feedback or instruction in context, such as on the buy a card page, to say "buy cards with ore" something like that. "Collect scorium to escape"

Tooltips: Tooltips could really help a newbie like me. Here's a pic of what I mean, tooltips in godot:

Balance: It felt like success was out of my control when I selected max scorium on all turns and couldn't collect enough. this was on round 4.

Replayability: There was no currency that allowed me to purchase persistent upgrades, so I expected to be short scorium again without me being able to control it, so I didn't play again. I would have played multiple times if I was earning something persistent.

Great work, hopefully this is helpful!

I love this game! The pixel art is so cute and really well done, and it's so fun to try and strategize with all the different cards! Great job <3


This was my favorite game of the jam! I wish there were more than 10 levels just to see how far I can go, but that won't stop me from replaying this again and again trying to maximize my score.

such a high compliment, thank you so much!!!! i would love to expand the game to more levels in the future

this is an awesome game!! I love the art style, the crunchy sfx, and I really enjoyed the balance between the two resources! Really scratches that "just one more round" itch!

thanks so much! i will def be checking out your submission as well <3

(1 edit)

Love this game! The art is really cute (cave bug and fruit bat my beloveds) and it feels super great to play !!
Have already spent several hours on it, and I plan on spending many more :D


Awesome game, very satisfying and clean

thanks ryan!!! :D


Such good stuff! I got an infinite combo which felt immensely satisfying to pull off. 

SO COOL!! i tried to create an infinite when i was making the game but couldn't manage it. if you remember, which cards did you pull it off with?

It was a combination of the zero cost card that let you draw 2 cards and the card that drew one card and gave you energy. I had duplicates for both of those and a trimmed deck. Again, really nice stuff!

wow, awesome, i'll have to try it... can't wait to check out ratatoskr as well :D ty!

This is very cute and fun! Love the pixel art cards as well, really well done!

thank you so much wren!

The game is cool! It feels a bit like a puzzle instead of just only a deckbuilder right now, which is good in my opinion.

I hope you will add to it, as it's a good start :)

Some feedbacks:

- The first round is always strategically the same, with a reward of 6 ore.

- The mineshaft seams too strong, as it gives 10 ores and score for 1 energy, where even a big chuck of ore have a 5 for 1 ratio.

- Some cards are basically free to play while in your hand, like the helmet, the smeltery or the fruit bat, but maybe it's on purpose. They take an hand slots and cost 1 energy, but make you draw 1 and gain 2 energy, so you're in the same situation after playing them than before. They are just no brainier to get.

- And so, if you focus on those cards, the game become easy to beat.

Some ideas:

- Having various starter deck. Usually, deckbuilder have basic cards and one or two more specific.

- Adding trade-off for cards. For instance, reduce the cost of one resource card but increase the cost of an other. Or draw 3 cards then discard 2. Or increase a resource card value but increase is cost too. That way, the choice made will be more meaningful.

thanks so much ben, this super thoughtful feedback :D

i have noticed the first round is always the same, i considered adding a special card to the deck at the start but couldn't balance it before the deadline (same reason i didn't add starter decks - just out of the scope basically)

as for the "freebie" style cards, this game is heavily inspired by the board game dominion which revolves a lot around "cantrip" cards which are free to play and provide a small benefit. in this game, the "cost" is simply adding them to your deck. i think you might be right though, perhaps they are a little overtuned :)

i love your idea about the trade off cards as well, i think that would add a lot to the game! i would definitely like to make the choices between cards more meaningful. i can definitely tell from your comment you played a bunch and that means the world <3 i will def use these ideas to improve the game!!

Fun little game!

thank you!! <3