Retromine full demo release!

The Retromine demo has been released!

Hi everyone! Following the success of the jam release, I decided to turn Retromine into a full demo.

In the demo version, you can enjoy:

  • New cards and content
  • A sleek UI overhaul that makes the game easier and more fun to play
  • An improved difficulty curve to keep the game challenging
  • Tons of polish and smoother gameplay to get you in that roguelike flow

If you liked the game before, it's definitely worth it to give it another try. If you've never played, it's a great time to jump in!


CC <3

P.S. - Retromine will be on display at the Retro Gaming Expo in Portland on 9/28!

Files Play in browser
4 hours ago
Retromine_demo_windows.exe 68 MB
4 hours ago 46 MB
4 hours ago

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